ICFP Programming Contest 2014


After hours of judging, the judges declare that:

The results of the lightning and full rounds are as follows:

Full Round Results

Team Name Score Languages
Supermassive Black Hom-set 2428 Haskell, Scimitar, GHC80, Perl, Bash
UnaGi 2409 Java, C++, Haskell, C#, PHP, shell. B14 (original programming language)
DiamondPrincess 2336 Perl
TBD 2269 Python
NIL 2248 Common Lisp
FruitOmatO 2237 C++
hack the loop 2235 C#
Rhope Burn 2226 Quiche
The sound of lambda 2210 racket, awk
Enoch Root 2207 Java
jabber.ru 2200 OCaml
quantum 2173 Javascript,AsakawaLisp
gagallium 2172 OCaml
Wile E. 2159 Python, LISP
code-o-matic 2135 Python, C++, Java
Frictionless Bananas 2134 C++
Fixstars 2133 C++, C, Java, Python, Ruby
Nakachan+3 2110 C++, Python, Tiny-C
Lom Crapo 2086 OCaml
piyopiyo.gcc 2053 OCaml, Python, GHC
Team Cannon Brawl 2041 Haskell
solo r6 2034 Haskell
OKeiHan 2031 Scala
Snakes vs Lambdas 2027 Python
ParseError 2024 F#
Yetanothering 2010 JavaScript
Kyoto-ni Modoritai Club 1997 C++, Python, Scheme
Typing is the bottleneck 1979 Haskell, OCaml
cashto 1967 C#, coffeescript, custom macro assembly language
TaupeGoons 1966 OCaml PacMaL
shinh7 1958 Ruby and Go
TEC 1952 C++, C
Tec 1952 C++, C
The Cat is #1!! 1929 C#, Javascript, Python, Bash,
cereal command 1925 Lua, Lisp, Ghost code/Basic
Side Effects May Include 1911 C++
nbu 1872 scheme, ruby
Deterministic Market Ride 1862 Ruby
HuDa 1841 Rust
dark onion 1830 Ruby, GCC (General Compute Coprocessor), GHC (GHost CPU [assembler])
Raging Mushrooms 1827 Lisp, OCaml
PolyProg 1810 Scala, Python, Ruby, CPP, Bash
irori 1810 Scheme, Ruby
Skobochka 1804 Common Lisp
Team Movio 1781 Scala, Clojure
riesz 1778 python
ITF 1774
Nodchip'); DROP TABLE Contestants; -- 1767 asunim lisp, C++, Python, Java, Shell Script
A Storm of Minds 1757 Haskell
My other CAR is a CDR 1751 Clojure, Homemade Scheme dialect, GHC Assembly, Python
kolbaska 1721 python, perl
Tuxee 1696 Python
Imperative Empire 1685 Haskell
Aristroids 1669 Haskell, Python
Team Meh 1667 GPP, C#
Trup 16 1663 python, trup and grup
igusarov 1658 Perl, C++
Husaria 1644 OCaml, C++, JS, Python
The Usual Suspects 1642 Python, Lisp, Assembly
cs.uni-kl.de 1635 Python,Java
hi, team 1621 java
evolution-dead-end 1608 clojure, haskell
Puppet Labs 1601 Clojure; C++
Atama Pyonpyon 1598 Haskell, OCaml, Python, JavaScript, C++
Piter 1594 Haskell
GOTO12 1576 CommonLisp
Celestial Dire Badger 1568 Racket, Perl
hoge_hoge 1560
yarunee 1539 Scheme like, GHC and Ruby
Goto11 1522 Perl, Lisp, C++,C
negainoido 1520 ocaml, python, c like language, assembly
alph 1520 C, JS, perl
Stanfy+ 1519 Clojure, Java, javascript, ecmascript, asm :)
Muncher 1481 LM ;-) (for Lambda-Man), GCC assembler (for some first tests), GHC assembler (for Ghost), Python (for tools), and Haskell (for prototype)
parsee 1457 Lua
sonna*baka*na 1411 OCaml
Olympia 1402 C++, Lisp
Ural Nerds 1394 C#
ntua67P 1389 Haskell, Ruby
CAR 1375 Common LISP
taxidriver 1325 ruby
Piggybank Software Team 1311 C++11
Kokoro Pyon-pyon 1306 Ruby, C#
The Blind Hen 1260 OCaml
Keep Programming Weird 1247 Perl, Javascript, Lisp, Bash
New Gulomont 1243 GCC, GHC, Java
Cofree Coriders 1210 Haskell, Scheme
Russ Williams 1209 Assembly, Python
Vidmich 1198 Perl
O Caml, My Caml 1160 Ocaml, Python, Lisp
lambda-llama 1150 OCaml, Clojure
Self Rescuing Exceptions 1117 Ruby, Bash, GHC, GCC
Team Chthulhu 1117 Common Lisp, GCC LISP
They Are On A Team 1095 Python, JavaScript, Lisp
Team Sampou 1073 Haskell, Scheme
¯\_(λ)_/¯ 1071
Lambda traceurs 1068 Java
codingteam 1050 Haskell
kstm.org 1023 Ruby, Javascript, Bash
Invisible Imp 1021 Scala, perl, my own linenoise
WinterMUTE 1020 Scala
λ darigold. balalaika 1014 F#, Python
O 1012 haxe
uguu.org 1004 C++11
The Fellowship of the Groupoid 1003 Attribute Grammars, Haskell
Aifcionados 997 Common Lisp
MIPT Lambda 985
Guru Meditation 967 Scala, Lambda Lisp
Toronto Nuruners 947 Scala
Conchords 939 c++, scheme
Partial Application 929 C++, Ruby
R11b 921 Python
boitameuh 906 scheme
Alphanauts 888 Haskell, Racket, Scala
SKY 876 racket
Dis Functional 846 Java, LISP
panela 813 Python
sjoerd_visscher 812 Haskell
Rusty lambda 801 Rust
EXXETA Exorcists 799 java, javascript
IDKJava 785 Java, MIT Scheme, C++
Church of the Least Fixed Point 783 Ruby, Haskell, LISP, Assembler
FunktionImKopfDerMensch 768
IKS 730 haskell
ayatuki 729 Haskell
TeamDev 697 Java, JavaScript
Canivsar 667 python, clojure
paiv 627 Ruby
TomatoBeans 603 Haskell
coeus 591 Haskell, cat
27*27*27 511 OCaml
THIRTEEN 484 Java 8
last man standing 450 C#
perfect name 402 python
GhostOfAChance 396 python,lisp,perl,bash
NCPLUG 330 Haskell
Lahn Party 225 Scala, Haskell
NoobTeam 182 Racket
d4o 161 haskell
Dee 106 D
λcw.Branto 99 JavaScript
AAB 99 Haskell

Lightning Round Results

Name Score Languages
jabber.ru 9272.78 OCaml
Rhope Burn 8774.90 Quiche
NIL 8360.89 Common Lisp
Fixstars 8016.08 C++, C
negainoido 7877.35 ocaml, python, c like language, assembly
Supermassive Black Hom-set 7206.63 Haskell, Scimitar, Perl, Bash
Standard ML/Yeah! 6450.41 Haskell, Python
UnaGi 6421.64 Java, C++, Haskell, C#
Wile E. 6368.89 Python, LISP
irori 5666.94 Scheme
The sound of lambda 5565.86 awk
alph 5505.98 C, perl
A Storm of Minds 5057.96 Haskell
sjoerd_visscher 4834.68 Haskell
shinh7 4817.73 Ruby
Raging Mushrooms 4732.44 Lisp
Parsee 4623.83 Lua
ractu* 4503.41
evolution-dead-end 4453.81 Clojure
kstm.org 4169.54 Ruby, Javascript, Bash
The Cat is #1!! 4098.83 C#, Python, Javascript, fuckfuck
hoge_hoge 4029.99
DiamondPrincess 3810.51 Perl
Frictionless Bananas 3703.58 C++
TaupeGoons 3681.33 OCaml
Atama Pyonpyon 3601.14 Haskell, OCaml, JavaScript, C++
riesz 3401.29 python
Arseniy Alekseyev 3364.69 Haskell, Untyped lambda calculus
Goto11 3220.00
ntua67p 3190.01 Assembly, Ruby
LSE EPITA 3183.89 OCaml
solo r6 3114.57 Haskell
Russ Williams 3009.84 Assembler, Python
dark onion 2857.69 Ruby, GCC (General Compute Coprocessor)
Side Effects May Include... 2843.16 C++, LISP
Typing is the bottleneck 2699.60 Haskell, OCaml
ustimaw 2634.49 Ruby
code-o-matic 2530.60
kuma- 2431.84 Ruby {INVALID - CTE changed to CGTE}
quantum 2406.45 C++, Javascript
hi, team 2381.20 Java
ship it! 2287.74 Go
cashto 2172.74 C# coffeescript
Yetanothering 1950.22 JavaScript
Team Movio 1849.64 Scala
Keep Programming Weird 1802.22 Perl, Javascript, LISP
__ 1641.64 Ruby, Erlang, Pascal, C, Python
TeamDev 1602.82 Java
ITF 1523.03
OkeiHan 1494.43 Scala
The Blind Hen 1483.56 OCaml
kotha.net 1376.67 Haskell
Nodchip'); DROP TABLE Contestants; -- 1373.80
Skobochka 1353.83 Common Lisp
ITF 1331.58 C++
perfect name 1295.14 python
osa_kami_sawa 1203.73 Ruby, C#
Husaria 1183.83 OCaml, C++, JS
cereal command 1150.48 Lua, Lisp
Enoch Root 1119.63 Java
Celestial Dire Badger 1113.70 Racket
piyopiyo.gcc 1095.38 GCC, (GHC), Python
kolbaska 1074.88 python, perl
Vidmich 999.13 Perl
Kyoto-ni Modoritai Club 980.28 Python, Scheme
The Fellowship of the Groupoid 910.62 Haskell, Attribute Grammars
Pibbybank Software Team 906.72 C++11
Piter 824.90 Haskell
sergeif 810.35
Paxstarz 740.43 Chez Scheme
Mostly Harmless 677.34 GCC
¯\_(λ)_/¯ 670.09
Begot 630.59 gcc, asm
THIRTEEN 571.28 Java
Alphanauts 496.24 haskell, scala, racket, python,
LastNinja 455.46 Haskell
NoobTeam 395.65 Racket
New Gulomont 389.48 GHC, Java
Dis Functional 330.98 Java, LISP
Invisible Imp 323.20 perl
The Usual Suspects 323.20 Python
kirakira-annatan 323.20 Japanese
test_submission 323.20
yarunee 323.20 Ruby
Stanfy+ 88.58 Clojure, Java, javascript, ecmascript, antlr
hack the loop 69.11 C#
Wandering Hobos 62.19 clojure
TomatoBeans 60.31 Haskell
PolyProg 11.19 PPL
Spiltirsdag 11.19 Haskell
dendik 11.19
panela 11.19 Python
sonna*baka*na 11.19 OCaml
taxidriver 11.19 ruby